Leslie, a business account manager and a contributor to the Postable blog, whose artistic talents and years of experience in the arts lends her to pick Postable's best card picks as well as business related mail queries such as those she handles daily. Look out for the next Listicle to see Leslie's expertise in action.
‘We miss your business’ letters should be part of every customer retention strategy. Acquiring customers is no small task – one that your company has likely invested a great deal of resources into developing. And according to the Harvard Business Review “acquiring a new customer is anywhere from five to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one.” So when existing clients are no longer using your services or buying your products it’s an equally important task to find out why that is and continue to work on customer retention.
What to say in a real estate thank you note isn’t necessarily common knowledge. And though you’ve written plenty of thank you notes in your life (we hope), there’s a chance you’ve found yourself feeling a little flustered this time. Experience in the real estate business is key to mastering this niche skill. Perhaps you’re just starting out; or you want a refresher; or you’re in need of an inspirational boost. Whatever the case may be, we’re here to help you write a great real estate thank you note. We’ve asked those working in the real estate industry for their advice on writing just about every type of real estate thank you note you would need in this business. Below you’ll find example templates you can use for yourself (though do take the time to tweak them into your own) as well as general strategic tips to help make you a pro.
When an individual makes a donation to an organization or another individual, it’s important to send a thank you for your donation note. Acknowledging the effort, regardless of how small or large, is an important part of this exchange. If you’re unsure what to say in your thank you for your donation letter, you’re not alone. It can be a little odd writing this type of thank you note, but it doesn’t have to be. Everything you need to know before getting started is here in one neat little package — including: tips, examples, and the importance of writing thank you for your donation letters.
According to the U.S Census Bureau, Americans bought new family homes in April 2021 at a rate of about 48% higher than that of the same time last year. That means there are a whole lot of ‘congratulations on your new home’ wishes to give out! If you know someone who’s moved into a new home recently, this is your chance to wish them all the best in their new home. Whether the move was an exciting first time home buying experience or it was more out of a necessity — sending a congratulations card can be a lovely and warm gesture nonetheless. If you’re unsure of what to write in these congratulations on your new home cards, you’re in the right place. This post has wording examples that cover just about any situation with some pretty stellar congratulations cards you can mail without ever leaving your couch.
You can send really nice congratulations cards in minutes without leaving your home. Postable will print, address and mail them for you.
Running a company in the midst of 2020 turbulence cannot be easy. Celebrating the 2020 holiday season, however, can be quite doable (albeit an exit from the norm) with a virtual company holiday party! So, maybe the idea of planning a virtual company holiday party is making you a little nervous. We get it — it’s totally new terrain for many company owners and managers. Luckily, planning and executing a successful virtual company holiday party is a lot like any other holiday event. It just requires a bit of brainstorming, organization and planning — the guide to which is right at your fingertips. We’re here to help make sure your employees and team members are talking about the insanely fun virtual holiday event their management pulled off during an unprecedented holiday season.
Funny greeting cards can be a great (and easy) remedy for the blues. So whether you know someone whose going through a tough breakup, a career rough patch, or for one reason or another –and let’s face it 2021 hasn’t been the rainbows and unicorns we’d hoped for after the sh*t storm that was 2020– is just feeling blue, here’s your chance to change that gloomy trajectory. Cheer up your friends, siblings, parents, neighbors, teachers, local hairstylists– you name it– with a few clicks of a button (don’t worry, these are ALL real hold-in-your-hand greeting cards). Just send them a funny card to lift their mood in no time. Here, we have the most epic list of cards to get you started.
Our pick of 41 funny greeting cards to send someone and cheer em’ up.
Even after the pandemic is [hopefully] nothing more than a distant memory, sending funny greeting cards to friends and family will still be a simple and easy way to bring some joy into their lives. Maybe you’re the king of good jokes and can easily make everyone in your life giggle uncontrollably. But if you’re anything like the rest of us, you may need a helping hand to make the folks in your life instantly cheer up. Lucky for you, this epic list gives you plenty of options to choose from.
Ever wonder how small business owners use business greeting cards to set up effective campaigns increasing customer retention and building loyalty? You’re in the right place. Direct mail flyers have been around for what seems like eons, but that’s not what you’ll find here. Business greeting card campaigns take the efficiency and almost guaranteed open rate of direct mail flyers and combine it with the quality of branded greeting cards. The best of both worlds means you know your open rate will be 100% and your customers will associate your brand with quality.
Thought about your marketing approach lately? If you run a business, big or small, then the answer is undoubtedly — yes. At least we hope so. There is no business without a healthy dose of customers. You’re probably placing a good chunk of your efforts in bringing in new clients and nurturing existing ones.
Marketing in 2021 is not the same as it was even a few years ago. Whether you’re running an online eCommerce operation or a brick and mortar store — digital marketing is no longer an option. That’s just how the marketing cookie has crumbled. Luckily changing times have brought easy solutions.
Automate really nice business greeting cards in minutes. Postable will print, address, and mail them for you.
Surprise and delight is a customer retention and brand loyalty technique with which many marketers, when executed correctly, find success. And though it may seem a little intimidating at first, this marketing method can be outfitted for any budget and any business endeavor. It isn’t something to snuff at and definitely worth integrating into your own business — however big or small you may want to go.
If you’re already plotting festivities for the 2021 holiday season, we’re going to be great friends. Here at Postable, we’re kind-of-sort-of obsessed with the holidays and get all sorts of giddy about answering questions like when to send Christmas cards. We’ve got straight forward answers along with plenty of tips and tricks to make you a Christmas card sending pro in no time. So hold onto your horses (or reindeer) and let’s dive right in.
As a rule of thumb, the post office typically takes 3-7 days to deliver domestic mail. In some cases it may take less than 3 days and others it can take longer than 7. It happens. But for the most part, the 3-7 day rule of thumb applies. That is of course, unless it’s the holiday season. When the number of people using the post office increases, it tends to slow the mail delivery times down. And while not everyone mails a Mother’s Day card (shame on you), most people do place holiday cards and holiday gifts in the mail at about the same time every year.Continue reading