This month, we ‘sat down’ with Wendy of Peace Love Art Co to get a behind the scenes look. Wendy is a graphic designer and Illustrator based in Burbank, CA. Her mission is to spread love and positivity through her designs while adding a minimalist touch and a mix of modern nostalgia.

1. What’s your favorite book?
A couple of recents I’ve really enjoyed were Becoming by Michelle Obama and The Happy Ever After Playlist by Abby Jimenez.
2. Favorite movie?
I love RomComs! Pretty in Pink! Pretty much any John Hughes movies!
3. Favorite TV show?
Favorite show I can watch over and over? Friends of course!
4. Favorite song?
Ok this is tough …but I will go with Sound and Vision by David Bowie.
5. Favorite food?
Peruvian or Mexican food (drooling right now)
6. Drink of choice?
My go to is a good old fashioned.
7. Go-to karaoke song?
There’s a zero % chance you’ll see me doing karaoke.
8. When did you realize you wanted to be a designer?
At a very young age, I’d say somewhere around 7 years old when I drew this made up creature with every single crayon color!
9. Did you go to design school or teach yourself?
I went to Art Institute of Los Angeles and got a degree in Graphic Design.
10. If you had to describe your style with only three words what would they be?
Minimalist, bold, and modern

11. When did you start your company?
I started my company during the pandemic in May 2020.
12. Where is your studio located?
My studio, aka my home, is currently in Burbank, Ca
13. What’s your favorite card of yours on Postable?
My zodiac series “You’re my favorite (zodiac)” cards

14. What artists, past or present, inspire your work?
From Van Gogh, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Salvador Dali to presently Lisa Congdon and Laura Hom aka Homsweethom. There is so much inspiration out there to name out!
15. If you had to choose a spirit animal what would it be and why?
I’d say my spirit animal is a lion. I’d like to think that I’m fierce but I’m for sure a leader and totally independent.
16. When was the last time you laughed really hard and why?
When my boyfriend had to put on his American accent (he’s British) to order through a drive through so they can understand him. You had to be there!
17. How would you spend your dream Saturday?
Home, not working, lounging around with zero agenda.
18. If you weren’t allowed to work for 12 months, what would you do?
Travel around the world of course!
19. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I wouldn’t mind Oxford in England. Or somewhere in Ireland. I just love small and quaint towns.
20. Was this questionnaire too long?
No but I definitely took my time in answering all these!